by Lunacy Staff | Five For Filming
Hiring your crew can be the most important decision you make as a producer. A dynamite team that is talented and motivated can elevate your material and make your job easy and fun. But bad attitudes are contagious. Taking on the wrong person, even in a minor role, can...
by Dan LeVine | Five For Filming
Shooting Day #10: You wake up and instantly realize something’s not right.Your head feels heavier than it did yesterday.Only one of your nostrils is operational.Your throat is sore.Crap. You’re sick. In a normal job, you’d take a sick day. But here’s the problem...
by Lunacy Staff | Five For Filming
Have you been dreaming of a career in film and television? Well, I’ve got good news for you: Lunacy Productions (and every other production company, agency, studio, and ancillary business in Los Angeles) is full of people who had that same dream and are making it a...
by Harris McCabe | Five For Filming, Greatest Hits
There are three directions you can move your camera: along the horizontal x-axis (pans and dollies), the vertical y-axis (tilts and booms), and the z-axis (moving forward or back). Used separately or in conjunction, these movements can serve utilitarian purposes, such...
by Alexandra Jensen | Five For Filming
Red Giant has a multitude of effects suites that range from graceful, high quality transitions, to industry-standard visual effects packages. What’s great about Red Giant is that you aren’t obligated to purchase the entire effects suite — you can buy them one at...
by Lunacy Staff | Five For Filming
While a great script is critical, even the best material can fall flat without the right vessel to deliver it. That’s why casting is so important. It’s always preferable to have a casting professional assist you, and it’s almost always worth it. But depending on your...