by Lunacy Staff | Five For Filming
There are times when writing can be exciting, effortless, and fun. And then there are all the other times: when you don’t know where to start, or can’t remember why you started, or when you’re buried so deep you don’t even know which way to dig to get yourself out....
by Cortney Matz | Five For Filming
As a director, it’s your job to not only carry the artistic vision of your film, but also take care of your people. Of course, you have a producer and an AD who are also looking out for crew safety and logistical efficiency. But in day to day set life, the director...
by Cortney Matz | Five For Filming
If you’re having trouble finishing your script, here’s a wild idea: start pitching it! What? Now? That’s bonkers! Everyone knows you have to have a completed script before it’s ready to pitch. But… What if you were to make pitching a part of your writing...
by Alex Jensen | Five For Filming
The term “Renaissance” has been used by fans to describe the awakening and reinvention that brought public and critical interest to Disney Feature Animation in the 1990s. We started revisiting these innovative filmmaking techniques with Aladdin, and will periodically...
by Cortney Matz | Five For Filming
Great news! You’re moving to Los Angeles: the city of angels, the home of Hollywood. A travel destination full of movie stars and glamorous lifestyles, opportunities and challenges. As several friends told us when we planned to move to LA, “You’re brave.” We didn’t...
by Cortney Matz | Five For Filming
What do Scream, Jaws, and Guess Who’s Coming To Dinner? have to do with one another? They all inspired Jordan Peele in the writing of Get Out, the Academy Award-winning screenplay that lent a fresh voice to an ongoing discourse about race in America. That got us...